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Warrior Chick

What is a warrior chick? Well, I am a warrior chick. I am a warrior chick because I am a fighter, a warrior. Why? Because I live. I live in a world where as a woman, I wear many hats. I wear the hat of a wife, a mom, a sister, a daughter. I wear the hat of a pastor's wife, a friend, a counselor. I also wear the hat of a christian, an employee. There are some battles I have chosen and there are some battles I have been drafted into.
I chose to be a mom and a wife. The battles fought in these two roles have been hard. I have been hit the hardest as a mom and wife. But I did not choose to lose my son, I did not choose that battle, that loss. And though it was a devastating blow, I chose not to stay down. I chose to rise up. Did I want to rise up? Many days, no. But I had to make a choice. Live defeated and down or rise up and fight. I chose to rise up and fight. Fight for my right to believe in a God who really does love me. Despite what was being whispered in my ear.
You cannot throw in the towel,wave the white flag. You cannot curl up and die. You need to rise up and fight the fight waging before you. Defeat your enemy. It could be the enemy of unbelief, the enemy of depression or even suicide. Rise up, Warrior, and fight. God is with you and He is for you. There is too much at stake.


  1. Great post and preview of what's to come. I, too, consider myself a warrior-chick. I, too, have declared war in some instances and in others I have been drafted into. One thing I have learned as a warrior is that there will be days that you do have to fight, whether you want to or not, whether you feel strong enough or not. But there will be days when you have to hide in the shadow of His wings, gain strength, take time to know your "enemy" and get a better perspective on the fight ahead. You may even need to call for reinforcements to help you fight. As a woman of God we must understand that the battle truly is not ours, but we do have to at least show up to the battle and stop peeking from behind the curtain.

    Ruth, I am excited for this series. It seems to have arrived at a time when my life is in transition, again. I now need to trade my weapons in for the more updated versions. It's going to be great.


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