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What's Your Outlet?

   I can't believe it's been more than a year since I have posted anything. Believe me when I tell you I've had plenty to say just haven't had enough time to write them out.
It has been one crazy year though. So many wonderful things have happened. After five years we finally moved into our new home. The boys went to camp for the very first time. They had mixed feelings about it. We have wonderful new neighbors that look out for us and we absolutely love that. My husband has a new hobby and I think he loves it more than he actually admits for he misses it when he's not near it. Yes, folks, it's his pond. He loves that small pool of water. He buys algae eating plants for it, to keep it clean. He filters it and cleans it. He rearranges the rocks just right. I love that he has found something to preoccupy his time, to get his mind off of work and the stressors of life.
   How do you unplug during times of stress? I have found that for me just sitting outside or going for a long walk helps get the cobwebs out of the brain and helps my heart and mind function better. I love cuddling on the couch with my guys and watching a good comedy. We love to laugh and laughter really is like medicine, it helps the heart and soul to relax. But even all of these things that help for the moment do not compare to the power of prayer, meditating on God's love and promises to me. All I need to do is take my Bible and sit in a corner somewhere and read God's love letter to me and I begin to feel peaceful. His word is alive. God's word does not lie. God's word strengthens and gives hope when I have none of either. Many times it is a decision I have to make to believe His word and to trust it too. It is hard to trust and believe an unseen God isn't it? I guess that's why they call faith, faith. Faith is putting our hope in the unseen. And even that strikes me odd sometimes. Unseen God? I see Him all around me. I see Him in my kids and in my husband. I see Him in the rising and setting sun. Have you looked out your window lately? Have you seen the magnificent colors of the sky as the sun is setting? Have you taken a look, a real close look at a flower, at it's color, at it's center? They are all so unique and perfect. If you take a good look around you will be able to see God.
I can hear Him too. I hear him in the sound of instruments as they play their tunes. I can hear Him when I hear the birds sing in the morning or in the late afternoon sun. I hear Him when I hear my kids cracking up at a silly joke or squealing with delight when their daddy is chasing them around the house. I even feel Him. I feel Him when I am afraid or down. I feel His presence close by when I am confused and quiet. I love Him for revealing Himself to me in the everyday. So when I want to find peace and tranquility, I pray. I pray and I garden and I run. I laugh, I play, I help my husband with the pond or I watch him enjoy it too.

Find your outlet. Enjoy this life, it's the only one you're going to get. Find the beautiful in the everyday.

My husband can't take care of the pond in the winter so I knew he's be lost without a hobby so he has found his other love...the fireplace.


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