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Showing posts from 2013

The Holidays are Here...Stressed or Excited?!

I just can't believe that the holidays are here. Next week is Thanksgiving...OMG! My oldest shared that scary truth with me last night. I broke out in a cold sweat with heart palpitations and all. I have gotten stressed just thinking about it all in the past. And I still do especially when the in-laws come to stay. I adore them but you know how it is, you dust in areas that you haven't dusted in since last Thanksgiving, the pillows have to be just right, the fridge needs to be stocked with their favorite things to eat and drink. Now, I know they don't come to give me the eye, but at least until they've settled down for a few minutes, I want them to see the house neat and orderly. Then after that, "Who cares?!" LOL, break out the Egg Nog (non-alcoholic version, of course). My parents will be here and my sister and her family, my brothers and their children, aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews, friends and Speedy, our Beta Fish. It's going to be a great wee...

Hold Your Horses...Having a Calgon Moment Here

Who wants to go to the beach? Who wants to just lay there with the sun on their skin (with sunscreen of course) listening to the waves hit the shore? Me, Me, Me.... It's a whopping 37 degrees here in New York and there's a little man in my head chiseling away at it. My son has a cold with a bad cough and there are tons of things to be done at the office and at home. I can handle it. After all, "I am woman, hear me roar.", right? I tell my kids that I am actually a ninja by night and that I do great exploits when they're asleep. Like fold laundry and put it away so when they wake up their socks and pants are all in their rightful place or do the dishes without the clink of a glass. Except that they don't believe me. I got this when my littlest guy tells me that, "Mom, I can't wait to be an adult." I of course, super curious, said, "Really, why?" He says, "So I can sit around and do nothing like you." I was like, "Whaaaaat...

Yesterdays Gone...Today is a New Day

This week has been a crazy, stressful, emotional one. I am glad for grace and strength and breath to be able to make it through. If not for the grace of God I don't know what I would've done. It's been one thing after another; fevers, headaches, fasting, praying, all kinds of attacks, workouts, cramps, phone calls, emails, and the list goes on. Boy am I thankful for another day. A day to start over, to begin again. I am thankful that as a Christ follower I have hope in tomorrow. I have Hope, He is Hope, my Hope. I can face anything with Him. My family had a scary moment this past Sunday. Had it not been for God's grace and strength I probably would've lost it. I read a scripture of encouragement to our church and this is the one I selected. Looking back now I believe God had selected it for me. I lifted my eyes toward heaven and in an inaudible voice, I cried out to God. I lifted my eyes and heart toward heaven and He heard my cry and answered it. Sunday will prov...

Muffin Top...Yea, Baby!

Today has been one of those days. A feeling-fat-and-lazy kind of day.  Thursdays are my Fridays and I love to spend my Thursday nights planning my Fridays. Joe has his Fridays off too and we usually hang out together. But tomorrow is a little different. He is will be away just for the morning. And I am home with the boys. The boys are in their beds dreaming of schoolbooks and friends, cousins they will see over the weekend and birthday cake (my nieces birthday party). I, on the other hand, am sitting on my very comfy couch writing yet again. Sometimes I just have so much to say....LOL. And later on, going to watch my recorded episodes of Duck Dynasty and Ree Drummond, Pioneer Woman. Love these two shows so much. Reminds me of family and food and warmth, America, and days gone by long ago. It inspires me to love more and cook and enjoy my life. Believe me, not that I need any help with that. Sometimes I do sit back in a stupor not quite believing that this is my life. Not saying tha...

If Only Things Were Easier...LOL

Nothing in life is quite easy and clear cut. I mean just when you think things are going to be easy in comes a hiccup, a bump, a wall. At the risk of being too transparent, we are experiencing a few hiccups along the way. Boy, it can be discouraging. Now I know that my source and joy is Jesus. I know that. But I am human and I experience discouragement and times when I am wondering, "If yes, then why this?" I am so thankful for my amazing husband who is such an encourager. He is truly my knight in shining armor. He is so sweet and speaks truth to my heart and spirit. But I still pout. God is so good and faithful. And even though I go through seasons of doubt and discouragement, I choose to remember what He has done for me and not doubt His love and goodness for me and mine. So I would love if you would all join me in prayer and help me defeat the blues with your love. Help me bombard heaven on our behalf. The Bible says that where two or three are gathered there he'll be...

Packing, Cramps and All Those Little Annoyances...

So, guess what? We are moving! Not from our church just from our rental. Woohoo! After 4 1/2 years (marvelous ones), God has allowed us to buy a home. We feel blessed beyond measure. But along with the joys of buying a new home are the woes of packing up our rental. And to top it off, I am cramping. Ay-ay-ay! And if that weren't enough my 12 year old is acting like an alien from another planet. Seriously, "who is this kid and what have they done with him?" No, I am not complaining. This is the only place I can vent and not one of you can tell me I'm nuts or overreacting. It's nice to get it out. Things I have learned while waiting: 1. I hate waiting. 2. It's hard to wait. 3. Waiting requires trust in God, my source and the One who sees the big picture and knows what's best for me. 4. It strengthens me. It matures me. It removes toxins I didn't even know were there. 5. It teaches me to relinquish control and allow God to have His way. 6. Teaches...
What an incredible weekend we had at the first ever Hillsong Conference in NYC. It was an incredible spiritual experience. At one point during the worship I felt as though  was being transported to Heaven. It was that incredible. I find it hard to believe the tons of neigh-sayers. And I have also found that those that have the most negative to say have not experienced an actual Hillsong worship experience. There were young and old, black and white, charasmatics and quieter versions, there were Christ-followers and those who had never heard the name of Jesus before. It was a diverse place. A diverse experience. Tell me that this isn't a spirit-filled, anointed bunch of worshippers. This is one of my favorite songs. Put on your earphones, close your eyes and let God move on your heart. This one was short and simple. But one more thing...Joe and I did some headbangin' too to this song...see if you can do it too.

Never Underestimate...

Today, I had the privilege and honor of speaking to a bunch of wonderfully youthful middle-schoolers. I know that my son, who was in the group must've been a little nervous at what would come out of my mouth. After all I hold the secrets and the pictures to prove it all. Little does he know that I would carry these to the grave unless forced to use them...LOL! I struggled with the topic because I knew what they were going to say as soon as I said the "P" word. They were going to roll their eyes, they were going to put their heads back in exasperation and wonder why they even came to school today. I've had the same reaction when using the "p" word many times as a young person and as an adult. I've thought it was boring and sometimes senseless for different reasons, but I knew that as a Christian I was supposed to do it and do it often. As soon as I said, "Prayer" they looked glossy eyed and I could hear their brains shouting, "Noooooooo....


Can I say that I am so happy that today is Wednesday? This means that the weekend is near and I get to chill and spend some time with my husband and kids, uninterrupted. I can also spend some quality time with my pillow. Don't you just feel like that sometimes? Just act like being a lump on a log? I am also so sore. Doing the Crossfit regiment 5 days a week takes a toll on this 40+ body of mine. Love the way I look and feel, but man does it tire out this middle-aged woman (I can't believe I just said that!! Did I really just say that?!). Am I considered "middle-aged?" I'll jump on the band wagon and say that 40 is the new 30. Hey, it works. Denial isn't so bad sometimes...muahahahaha... I've been enjoying the fall thus far. Loving the brisk mornings and nights. The spicy scents of pumpkin candles and pumpkin lattes. I think I posted this before but here goes, "If you can't beat the Fall then you gotta join it." So I've decorated the hou...

I Have FFS....

Yes, folks. I have it. I've had it all my life. Struggled with it all my life and I think I will struggle with it all my life. I've had and still have a love affair with food. I love it when I'm happy. And I love it when I'm down. I love it when I'm celebrating. And I love it when I'm not. Dr. Phil has no cure for me. I just love it. And now since I've been eating better and lighter I have diagnosed this problem that I have mentioned. I think I know how to overcome it since I am an overcomer. But man, it's hard. This syndrome, this thing is called...the Forbidden Fruit Syndrome...FFS. If only it was fruit that was forbidden, but no. See, back in the garden when the serpent, who was really satan, tempted Eve, he told her that God really didn't want her to have the "benefits" that came from eating that fruit. She tried to shut his mouth by saying that God told her she could eat from the thousands of trees and the fruit they grew just not that...

A Letter to My Sons

Dear Boys,    I know you think that I was put on this earth to say "no" to a lot of things. Believe it or not I am not here to make your lives miserable. I am really not a party-pooper. Like the day I had to pick you up early from the tailgating party even though the game had not officially started because you had school the following day. Or the time I took your bike away after telling you not to go too far up the driveway. I so hate doing those things, because believe it or not I was young once too and I remember wanting to stay up late and ride my bike further up the sidewalk. And it hurts my heart to see you so upset. One day you'll be a responsible parent too and understand why daddy and I do the things we do.    The day that you were born I thought my heart would burst with the love I had and have for you. I never imagined just how much love one little person could exude from me. That at the slightest cry, I would drop anything and everything to be by your s...

One of Those Days

So today has already been "one of those days." Got up late; later than my littlest guy. Made a quick breakfast of cereal and toaster waffles. Ran around rushing them and me, trying to get out of the house before 8 so they wouldn't be late for school. Made lunches. Begged my husband to pack my lunch while I got dressed. Couldn't shower. Forgot to brush my teeth...don't judge me! Put on two different shades of purple or pink (does it matter? They are both hideous). And what I'm wearing is way too tight. Yes, muffin top exposed to the fullest. Thank God that my jeans were in my car and have been for two days since coming out of the gym. I couldn't kiss my kids because they were running late so when I dropped them off at the school they had to run in. Didn't pray with them either. It's been one of those days already and it's only 9:24 in the morning. I pray that your day has started out so much better than mine. And I pray that my kids take all t...

A Mother's Prayer

Father, today in our corner of the world, our kids go back to school.  You know all of the things that have happened in our countries schools. How sad. And how scary. You know my fears and though I may not speak them I do feel them.  Please protect my children, their friends and their teachers.  Please protect the administrators and the school. Keep my children alert and focused. May they have a successful year.  May they find favor with You and with their peers and teachers.  May they develop a love of learning.  May they grow BFF's and relationships that will last a lifetime.  Father, may they stop a bully and may they not be bullied or be the bully.  May they value life and people no matter who they are or what their views are.  May my kids be examples to others about faith, love, hope, and clean fun.  May gossip, and negative trends not be part of their lives and if they are then show them how to address them a...

Making My Own Sunshine

The boys are finally back at school and boy were they excited. I, on the other hand was sad and happy all at the same time. Bittersweet. I celebrate with them because they are on an adventure. How exciting and exhilarating to be starting out in life. New beginnings. Bittersweet for those of us, watching. Mommy's and daddy's, cheering their babies on but with their hearts and stomaches in knots because as much as they want them to fly they wish that they could stay little forever. Life is full of these moments... Moments that will take your breath a good way. Moments that will bring tears and cause sleepless nights. Moments that you are glad you're alive. And moments when you wonder, "what the heck am I doing here?!" Moments that will make you want to dance and celebrate. And moments that you will mourn. There is a scripture in the Bible in Ecclesiastes that reads that "there is a season for everything under the sun...a time to weep and a tim...

Seasons Change

  Wow! I can hardly believe that summer is over. I too am in denial. Even as I shop for school supplies and school clothes. It has gone so fast. I guess I am one of the few that hates when the kids go back to school. I like hanging out with them in their PJ's until right before dinner. And I love being out of that stringent routine. Now we return to rushing around in the mornings, rushing to pick up the cuties, homework and dinner all at the same time, then some fun, then bedtime. But in between all that is basketball and football and church activities. Doesn't it just make your head spin? I love being a mom. I love being a wife. I love being a Pastor's Wife and being in full-time ministry. I love that I have girlfriends that I can hang with and be myself with (almost). But sometimes I want to run out in the wild, screaming and pulling out my hair.   In all of these areas, seasons do change. I will always be a mom but my boys won't always be home to be taken care of...

The Oscars - Why Did I Do It?

Okay, Okay, yes, I did it. For the first time ever I sat and watched most of the Oscars. Why, you may ask (or may not care...LOL), well my sexy husband was watching it and to spend time with my love I sat and watched it. But he went to bed early and I stayed up and watched about another 40 minutes of it. I hate to say this, was horrible. The host was rude and offensive even to his liberal colleagues with his, "I Saw Your Boobs" song. Now don't go on-line to check out the It was astonishing to see the look on the faces of the actresses that has shown more than cleavage mentioned in his song. They were appalled and embarrassed and offended. My take on this is if you exposed them for millions of people on a screen that is bigger than life and weren't offended then you shouldn't be offended when someone sings about them in front of your colleagues. Then I was saddened by the emptiness I saw in their pursuits. This is what most of them live for...

Crazy Like Life

Man, it's been crazy around here lately. I thought that after the holidays things would begin to slow down a bit. But I must say that the speed of life has gained momentum. Totally NUTS. But this is my life. Seasons come and seasons go. At Transformation Church things are more amazing every week. People are coming from all over to begin their spiritual journey. What an honor!!! That they would choose to come to TC. That they trust us enough to start here. There is a bible verse that says, " But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." When we gather as a team on Monday mornings to pray for the needs of our church, for the needs our community we are humbled to know that God would use us to do this great work, to think that He would choose us. With all sincerity, we weep at this knowledge. So as God continues to bring lives to us here @ TC things are getting busier. But man, are we excited! An...