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Crazy Like Life

Man, it's been crazy around here lately. I thought that after the holidays things would begin to slow down a bit. But I must say that the speed of life has gained momentum. Totally NUTS. But this is my life. Seasons come and seasons go.
At Transformation Church things are more amazing every week. People are coming from all over to begin their spiritual journey. What an honor!!! That they would choose to come to TC. That they trust us enough to start here. There is a bible verse that says, "But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." When we gather as a team on Monday mornings to pray for the needs of our church, for the needs our community we are humbled to know that God would use us to do this great work, to think that He would choose us. With all sincerity, we weep at this knowledge. So as God continues to bring lives to us here @ TC things are getting busier. But man, are we excited! And would not change one bit of it!
The home front has gotten so much more busier too. There is homework and more homework and did I mention, homework?! Sometimes I feel like I'm the one in school...seriously. I have taken refresher courses in penmanship, and addition and division and even Spanish. I have learned to make costumes from Greek gods to shepherds, from Marine Special Ops to Ninja. I have even learned how to create electricity and create a volcano that erupts. I have learned that baby chicks have a little "tooth" that helps them peck out of their shell. Did I mention homework? Then there's the tons of laundry that seems to multiply the second I turn my head. The dusting and the mopping, the cooking, the dishes (thank God for a husband that has mercy on me and does them for me almost everyday!). There's basketball games and practices. There's volunteering at the school. Some days I spend more time in the car than I do at home. We are also dog-sitting at our home for my parent's dog, Brownie. Last night I practically went to bed with the clothes I put on at 7:00am. Hey, had I not landed on the bed I wouldn't injured myself...I was beat.
But I am the happiest and most contented I have ever been. Loving people whether it's my family or those walking through the doors of TC is what I love to do. I wouldn't change a thing.
I have learned to be thankful for everything, for everyday. For the laundry, and the chipped dish that I have washed a million times a day. I am thankful that my babies are healthy and able to do their homework and that I am able and capable to help them (until they get to algebra...never got it in school and still don' Though I am thankful in my heart, do I show it in my face or in my attitude? Do I let stress and circumstances stress me out so that I am short and stern? I hate to admit that I act terribly when I am under pressure. It saddens me when I take a step back and see that I haven't been the nicest person. I thank the Lord that He is forgiving and that He offers me another chance to apologize and make things right. I thank Him because He offers me a reprieve...I can come to Him and rest, even if it's just for a few minutes. I am so thankful that He understands my busy life and that He waits patiently and nudges me ever so gently to come to Him. When I do that I am so much better. I love that He gives me that. He offers me His love and peace. It's free for the taking. Not much is free in the crazy world, but His gifts are. 
Today, I go to pick up my babies with a better attitude and leaving my stress outside. And I will bask in their silliness and questions, and yes, even the laundry.


  1. Fulltime job, to come home to my unpaid fulltime job! My patience is being spread real thin and leaving me stressed from work, to only come home to continue working, my 6 year old tells me I am mean! How can I ever make time for myself. I go to work, come home to cook, clean, laundry and homework X 3! I feel like screaming for help! Needing patience!!!! any suggestions?

  2. There are times when I feel like I can lose it and I am ashamed to say that sometimes I do. First, we need to turn to God and ask for His help and forgiveness. Then even if it's 10 minutes in the car between home and work and vice versa - take a breather. Pray. Get your favorite coffee or an ice cream cone, indulge for those few minutes. Take a mental break. After they have gone to sleep I try to do my thing. Read a chapter in a book with a nice cup of tea. Or I try to watch a movie or show that I can actually watch without having to get up and do a thing. And I have even gone to the gym as late as 9pm to get some me time. It's okay to do. I used to feel guilty. But I have found that when I take care of me I am a better wife and mom. The load is heavy but you can do this. It's only a season. Let me know if you apply any tips and how they work out for you. Praying for you!


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