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Can I say that I am so happy that today is Wednesday? This means that the weekend is near and I get to chill and spend some time with my husband and kids, uninterrupted. I can also spend some quality time with my pillow. Don't you just feel like that sometimes? Just act like being a lump on a log?
I am also so sore. Doing the Crossfit regiment 5 days a week takes a toll on this 40+ body of mine. Love the way I look and feel, but man does it tire out this middle-aged woman (I can't believe I just said that!! Did I really just say that?!). Am I considered "middle-aged?" I'll jump on the band wagon and say that 40 is the new 30. Hey, it works. Denial isn't so bad sometimes...muahahahaha...
I've been enjoying the fall thus far. Loving the brisk mornings and nights. The spicy scents of pumpkin candles and pumpkin lattes. I think I posted this before but here goes, "If you can't beat the Fall then you gotta join it." So I've decorated the house with pumpkins and fall wreaths. Pumpkin spice candles smells so good. Loving the season even if I was hoping for another.
Isn't that like us? We're in one season and really praying and hoping and whining and crying for another season? Seriously! We can act like spoiled brats sometimes. I mean, I know I do...a lot. Sometimes we wish seasons away. And when we look back, they are gone, forever. How sad that at times we wish such precious times away. For example, when the kids are babies, we wish them out of diapers and into toddlers. Or when they're teenagers, we wish those years away and can't wait for another season. Then when we look back they are off and gone. Those fingers on the walls and stains on the carpet can all be painted over and steam cleaned, but those precious years can't be wished back. We could wish away hardships in our marriage but these are the very things that will make us stronger. I could remember planting our church, International Worship Center in Boston and all Church Planters know that there is never any extra money for anything. We did not receive a salary for three years because the church was just getting started,  I remember the times we were so tried and discouraged. And there were times when we wondered when would the season end? I remember not having enough money to go out on an official date. So my wonderful husband and I would scour the house for extra change for coffee and a walk. All we wanted to do was be together. I have never forgotten those walks, those Dunkin Donuts cups of coffee. Our hearts and heads full of dreams and hopes. Even when things were tough I knew that God had a purpose. Times when there wasn't enough for groceries and PBJ was getting too much to bear. But even then we knew God had a plan. There are times now that my kids start with, "I wish I was older" or "I wish this or that was over." And though they don't understand,I tell them not to wish these seasons away so fast. These are seasons that they will remember forever.
God created day and night. He created summer and winter, spring and fall. During the day we work and play and pray. At night we rest and  pray. During the summer, we run outside in flip-flops and shorts, winter we stay by the fire and drink hot cocoa and rest from all the fun of the summer, Spring means new life and new beginnings. Fall, well fall, it's when things rest and die in preparation for New Life, New Beginnings in the Spring. There is so much good in every season. What is God sharing or trying to share with you during this season? What is His purpose for you in the season that you are in right now? Could it be, wait? Could it be, move on or let go? Could it be, go for it? Look for the amazing, wonderful things in every season.
When Seth went home to be with Jesus it was Spring, April 10th. The day before Easter. I sat outside in the warm sun. Away from all eyes. I let the sun warm my face. I looked down to my garden and I noticed some crocuses, they were peeking through, peeking through the melting snow. And right then and there I knew that God loved me and that everything was going to be all right. Yes, even in the pain, I knew that He cared for me. It was Spring after all, the season of New Life. And my very favorite Season of all.


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