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A Letter to My Sons

Dear Boys,

   I know you think that I was put on this earth to say "no" to a lot of things. Believe it or not I am not here to make your lives miserable. I am really not a party-pooper. Like the day I had to pick you up early from the tailgating party even though the game had not officially started because you had school the following day. Or the time I took your bike away after telling you not to go too far up the driveway. I so hate doing those things, because believe it or not I was young once too and I remember wanting to stay up late and ride my bike further up the sidewalk. And it hurts my heart to see you so upset. One day you'll be a responsible parent too and understand why daddy and I do the things we do.
   The day that you were born I thought my heart would burst with the love I had and have for you. I never imagined just how much love one little person could exude from me. That at the slightest cry, I would drop anything and everything to be by your side. I wanted to be the first one there, to kiss the booboo and make it all better. It's funny because there could've been 100 kids and I could recognize your cry, your call from great distances, even though I never left you out of my sight not even for a second. I am not Jesus by any means of the imagination but I would give my life for you. I will also take a life if anyone so much as touched you to hurt you in any way. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you.
   Boys, there will be temptations. The closer you get to God the fiercer the temptation. There will be girls - Christian and non-Christian that will cause your heart to skip a beat. And you will be tempted by their looks, their words and by the clothes they wear. I pray that you would fight those temptations just as Joseph did in the Bible. Follow the example of your daddy and your uncles who love their families too much to fall into temptation. It does't mean that they aren't tempted just that they don't fall into them. My advice to you is pray, pray, pray and remember Samson. Some of your friends will want to trap you and tempt you to possibly look at certain things or do certain things or drink certain things that will alter your personality - run and never compromise. If they are true friends they wouldn't try and cause you to compromise on your convictions and values. Hang on to those. True friends will encourage you to soar and encourage you to do your best.
   Now, I want you to always act with love, gentleness and compassion with those who are different and less fortunate. I want you to be a gentleman with the ladies. Believe me when I tell you that we as women do not forget, ever. And the way you treat the girls now will help you in the future. Girls may not be too important to you now, but they sure will be in the future. Honor them. Speak kindly to them. Don't make fun of them. That hurts and can effect their self-esteem for a long time. Speak of them with respect behind their backs to your friends and don't allow them to be spoken of in a bad way either.
   Respect and honor your elders and teachers, those in authority over you. Don't lie. The character of a man is seen by his ability to keep his word. Without your word it's pretty hard to be trusted by your friends, family, teachers, bosses, etc. Be a man of character by always telling the truth, even it it hurts. I am sorry that in our culture lying is okay and that there aren't many athletes, movie stars, politicians, presidents that have the character of a Godly and honest man. Let daddy be your example.
   Work hard. I love that about you. You love to help and you don't want things easy. You want to work for them. Forget credit cards and don't get into debt. If you do you will find that you have nothing to show for it. The Bible says that "the borrower is a slave to the lender." Boy, ain't that the truth. When you borrow pay it back immediately. Don't wait. Pay everything with cash. And give generously. Tithe. Help those that really need the help. Remember that even though we live in an entitlement society that doesn't mean that you are entitled to anything. You are entitled to work hard and earn your living honestly. Do everything as if you were doing it for Jesus and you will see how much easier and joyful it will be.
   Marriage is hard work. But when you love someone unconditionally the work is well worth it. Your daddy and I have been through a lot but we have stuck together because we love each other, because we have committed to each other and to God to stay together in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer till death do us part. When problems arise, and they will, remember the commitment you made to one another and that you did that before God. Remember the things that made you fall in love with her and forgive, quickly. Don't wait!
   There are so many things that I want to say and over the years I'll add to this letter. But lastly and the most important thing God. Let Him be your guide. Trust Him, He has the very best for you. He loves you unconditionally. He knows your path. When things get dark in life, look to Jesus. He got us through with Seth - He can get you through again.
   Know that you are special, amazing, wonderful, gifted, talented and called by God. Yes, I say this because I am your mother but I also say it because I knew it as soon as I knew you were in my belly. God has his hand upon your life and great things are going to become of your life. Just watch and see. And when you mess up, just get back up again. And know that you have parents and a brother who think the world of you. There will always be safety, love and affirmation in our home, our hearts and in our open arms for you. Don't get so down on yourself. We all screw up sometimes.
   I have made many mistakes but everything I have done has been because of this crazy love I have for you.

   I love you, my sons!


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