Nothing in life is quite easy and clear cut. I mean just when you think things are going to be easy in comes a hiccup, a bump, a wall. At the risk of being too transparent, we are experiencing a few hiccups along the way. Boy, it can be discouraging. Now I know that my source and joy is Jesus. I know that. But I am human and I experience discouragement and times when I am wondering, "If yes, then why this?" I am so thankful for my amazing husband who is such an encourager. He is truly my knight in shining armor. He is so sweet and speaks truth to my heart and spirit. But I still pout. God is so good and faithful. And even though I go through seasons of doubt and discouragement, I choose to remember what He has done for me and not doubt His love and goodness for me and mine.
So I would love if you would all join me in prayer and help me defeat the blues with your love. Help me bombard heaven on our behalf. The Bible says that where two or three are gathered there he'll be in the midst of them. So if more than one of us is praying for the same thing, He is there and ready to answer.
I would also love to pray for you. If you have anything that you would like me to pray for, please let me know. I will agree with you in prayer and we can bombard heaven for you and your situation. Nothing is impossible with God or for God. And since we are His children we get to experience His love and goodness, His provision and favor. Let's believe together.
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