Today I don't mind my muffin top but I guarantee you I will mind when the Holidays come around and my in-laws are around or my 6ft, skinny sister...whom I love dearly, but is so darn gorgeous. So beginning Monday I will continue more fervently than ever to do my regiment of CrossFit...I have the trainer who is gracious and has the patience of a saint...seriously! I will continue to eat better and better...even for breakfast tomorrow with Ahna and when we do lunch, Giselle...gotta keep my muffin top shrinkin' so that I can impress my family? No! So that I can impress me. So that I can be around for my boys and their families. So that I can be one hot Pastor's Wife (at least to Joe...ha) even in my 70's and 80's which I expect to live to. To get old with my hunk of a husband.
So I am a little scattered tonight. But bear with me, please?!
So this searching for a house to purchase has us going bananas. These short-sales should be called long-sales (thanks Michael for that) since it takes months upon months for these banks to make a decision. I thought we would be in a house before the school year started but it just hasn't worked out that way. Please pray that the right house in the right area at the right price be presented to us. We are excited, a little anxious, but really at peace too. The Bible does say, "be anxious for nothing but do everything by prayer and supplication make my requests known to God." So okay, God, I ask that you would give me strength to keep me focused and intentional about my weight and exercise. Help me to stay positive if I fail and help me to get up again and start again. Keep me loving myself. Because I am beautiful and empowered because of your amazing love for me. There ain't nothin' gonna hold me back. I am pressing forward and not looking back. Gonna do me as my 3 men cheer me on. Gotta love myself if I'm gonna do me and yes, I do love me, so....let'd do this. And Father, please help us find the right home. Would love to be in it before Christmas. I know You're on this. Thank You!
So let's trust Him to keep us together, to keep us focused and to lead us in the right direction. He has never failed me and I know He never will.
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