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Antiseptic Heart Wash

What an amazing day yesterday was...I was pumped all day! Couldn't wait to get to Transformation and start loving on people. That's how we roll here...LOL. From honoring our Transformer Volunteers, to seeing hundreds of people walk through our door...many if not all burdened (but leaving Transformed). I love being the wife of this passionate pastor who loves his people, and the world, who loves his family and his calling.
But last night, of course after such an amazing day, I get news that is not so cool. And my heart starts getting real ugly. My disposition, countenance changes and my family can tell I'm tense and upset. I go to bed this way and get up this way too...not good! So now I'm up way before everyone is up and the hustle and bustle begins. I sit to pray and read something that will challenge me and "slap" me out of this attitude. And so this is what I open up to...Ephesians 5:15-20....we'll focus on verse 20..."always giving thanks to God the Father for everything..." So, I am convicted and challenged, to do just that...thank Him for the news and thank Him for all things He has given to me...
How easy to go from a spiritual "high" to an attitude much so that your demeanor, attitude, state of whether you care or not changes in one instant. This morning as I brushed my teeth and did my morning ritual, I took the antiseptic mouth wash out and began to rinse my mouth and God spoke to my heart and said, "Girl, (this is how He speaks to me) you need an antiseptic for your heart and your attitude." This was after my time alone with Him and after reading what I had read and still I didn't get it or want to do what He strongly suggested I do. So I am meditating on His word, which is that antiseptic and I am thankful for all He has given to me...I am listing 10 things I am thankful for today:
1. God's love for me
2. His understanding and forgiveness
3. My husband - so patient and loving! That after all these years he loves me and still finds me sexy and super appealing to look at...he is my biggest fan and cheerleader...pushes me out of my comfort zone to be all God wants me to be and puts up with my laundry problem(I hate putting it away!)...I love you, my love!
4. My two boys - they bring me such joy and they too are patient and loving...when I am down they bring me right back up with those hugs and kisses that can melt an iceberg.
5. God's calling on my life - that He would take a confused, insecure girl and make her into a woman whose story can touch others..."He takes the foolish things of this world to confound the wise..." Thank you, Father!
6. Our little house on the prairie - love the peace that God gives no matter how big or small your dwelling is. Love the open landscape and the mountains as my backyard...thanking Him for His favor
7. Transformation Team - Thankful for the amazing team that God has allowed to come to TC to help fulfill the vision and mission,"Helping those far from God become truly devoted followers of Jesus." Amazing Team,honored to serve alongside of these peeps!
8. Thankful for women that are like-hearted and minded  who are in the same boat as I am. Thankful for women who inspire me to be vulnerable and open and not to hide behind anything but to be all God wants me to be. I love these women and pray God's hand of provision on their lives,His hand of protection for them and their families, for joy and peace to be in abundance...and if you can believe it, some of them I haven't even met.
9. Thankful for my health and the health of my family....that even though we are tired...ministry is exciting and exhausting...wouldn't have it any other way....
10. Thankful that I can think clearly and am able to write and express my heart with you. That I can see and feel and hear. That God isn't finished with me yet and that His love for me is unending...

I feel so much better attitude has changed and so has my heart...thank God for His word and His hard lessons...that He loves me too much to leave me the same...
Try listing 10 things you are thankful to God for and see what happens...and then tell me about it....can't wait to hear...


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