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The Ticking of the Clock

We are already at the end of September. Can you believe that?! I am in the dining room as the boys sleep and hubby is at the church watching the Giants game with the guys and I am listening in the quietness the ticking of the clock. When you think about it every tick is a second gone by. It can make you a little anxious when you know the laundry has to get done, and the week has already begun and you aren't quite ready.

Listening to the ticking and the tocking makes me think of a couple of things. One, that I want to spend more time loving on my husband and boys. I want to spend more time with my parents and siblings. I don't want to waste a second being mad or frustrated. I don't want to harbor anger and resentment. I don't want to hang on to past hurts. I have one life to live and I want to live it free from toxins and poisons that can rob me of my peace and joy. Secondly, the ticking reminds me of the Lord's return. It is getting closer. I am not a scholar and I am not a prophet but the Bible clearly states that His return draws near. I will be lying if I say that this doesn't scare me since I have family and friends who don't have a personal relationship with the Lord. It scares me because, "am I doing everything He desires for me to do?' "am I living and loving as He does?" And then there's another part of me that desires for Him to come and to come quickly. Seeing the craziness of our world can make anyone crazy. Seeing the pain and destruction as we fight and steal from each other and from God. My mind wanders and I think of the children and the families and individuals who are hurting and have been hurt. And I literally cry. I look around me and I realize that I am not of this world. I am a pilgrim passing through. My real home is heaven and this place has nothing for me. I cannot be 100% happy here because this is not my home, my forever dwelling. I adore my husband and sons. And they bring me joy and laughter every single day. I love my life. I love our life. But there is a place where there will be no more pain, no more tears or fears. Where my heavenly Father lives and there I will live, my husband and boys will live for all eternity.

Enjoy life, love deeply, forgive very quicky, refuse to hold on to offense and hurt. Move forward and laugh. Pray hard and trust God. Do not succumb to your fears and doubts, but push through and trust Him. And even if you are having a hard time with that, be honest since He already knows it anyway, and He will love you through it and see you through it.

I am getting off this thing to sit at the edge of their beds and watch them sleep (and of course pray for them). I will send Joe a text to remind him how much I love him. The clock is ticking so I better do that now while there is still time.


  1. I love who you are I love how you touch people ... your words are wise and humbling your thoughts out loud bring me comfort.. in my own thoughts I can very much relate. Thank you for being so open with your life and your feelings for being perfectly imperfect and loving enough to share it so that we can learn and so that seeds can be sprinkled on our souls!

  2. Thank you! I figure I might as well write what is on my heart and head then something else. I don't want to scare anyone though with what comes out of my head...LOL!!


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