Enjoying life right now. Choosing not to dwell on all the negative and bad stuff from yesterday and beyond. Choosing to saturate myself in the love of my husband and sons, in the love of my family and friends and in the love of my heavenly Father. I can't change yesterday. But I can change me so that today and tomorrow my response would be different. I know that bad days will come. Storms will brew and the "suddenlies" of life will happen, but I pray that when those days come, though I will not be ready for them, I pray that I will handle them with grace and hope. I hope that today, despite your crazy life, you will remember all that God has done for you, all that He has brought you through, all that He has given you. Tomorrow isn't promised but you have now, so relish in it, love in it, dance in it, laugh with abandon in it. I hope that you will join me in loving today!
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