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God, the Devil and You

Lately I have read, received texts, gotten calls from friends, family and colleagues who are in this very hour experiencing one of the toughest battles of their lives. Not too long ago I also experienced physical pain, mental and emotional turmoil. It wrecked havoc on my body like I never experienced before. Sounds like Midol would be in order, but it wasn't that type of pain or turmoil. I couldn't understand where it was coming from or how I got to that point. Waking up drenched in a cold sweat, not sleeping, worrying and fearsome. Totally not  like me at all. Especially with the whole sleeping thing (just ask Joe and he will tell you just how much I love my sleep!). Then I would get up in the morning and do it all over again, sick and exhausted.
Right now, someone very close to me is experiencing this very same thing. The tests are all coming back negative. Sonograms and blood work. Doctor's are not sure why she is having so much pain. Why she can't sleep. Why she is nauseous. She is exhausted and frustrated so much so that she was in tears when I spoke to her yesterday. After praying with my husband, we have come to one conclusion. They are in a spiritual war. I know, I think that I am hyper spiritual, right? But this is what the word of God says:"He roams around like a roaring lion seeking those he may devour. The enemy comes only to rob, kill and destroy." See folks, there is a real God and there is a real devil. If you have a hard time believing that just take a look at the news, read the newspaper or better yet look at the unfair, painful things that have happened to you inflicted by another. Evil does exist. But I am not going to sit here and give him any credit for anything. Who does this enemy of ours seek to destroy more than anyone else? He seeks to destroy those that belong to God especially those who are on the frontlines day in and day out, praying for their city/town, preaching the message of hope and restoration. He attacks the families of the men and women who are called to Pastor and minister to the unchurched, to the hurting. Because he knows or thinks that if he can attack them they will quit and give up, throw in the towel. But he is so, so wrong. Actually the opposite happens...this is when the people of God begin to pray and intercede for their Pastor and his/her family. This is when the Aaron's (Aaron was Moses' brother and he held up Moses' arms when Moses could not hold up them up anymore during a battle between the Amelikites and the Israelites. As long as Moses' arms where up the Israelites were winning but as soon as he began to lower them they would being to lose) begin to lift up the arms of their leader. They begin to care and nurture the family in prayer and in intercession. And all of this does not stop us from praying and interceding on our behalf either. We grow in strength and in trust of God.
Battles are not to be fought alone. We are to gather the troops and begin to pray. We are not to quit and give up. We are to fight in prayer. We are to continue to trust God even in the pain and chaos. That can be so hard to do when your in the midst of the storm. But trust Him anyway. Nothing we go through is a waste. We learn and grow in every challenge and circumstance we are in or ever go through. Aren't you wiser than last year because of what you have been through? I know that I have grown through every trial, every tear and pain and every bad thing that has ever happened to me. Even what Satan used to try to destroy me is being used to help others, to give and inspire hope in someone else.
You hang on to God. He did say, "He will never leave you or forsake you." He will never betray you or hurt you. He is a" friend that sticks closer than a brother." No better friend or confidant will you ever have than Jesus. Non truer either.
Pray! Trust God! Trust in His goodness! And remember...remember what He has brought you through. You could've been dead. You could have lost your mind. You could've lost your kids or your husband. You could be strung out on drugs or living on the street...but you're here! If you have a victim mentality...get rid of it! It's over. This is a new day. God has great plans for you. He isn't done with you yet. I can't wait to see what He is going to do with your life.
Pray for your pastors and your leaders. Love them. They go to battle for you everyday. They need your love and your support...especially in prayer.
I know this took a little turn, but it's what I believe God wants to speak to you today! You are loved more than you will ever know.


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