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The Power of Our Words

Just ask anyone on the street on any given day and if asked the question, "how have negative or positive  words impacted your life?", many will say that words have impacted their lives in a positive way or in a negative way, causing pain or great joy. Words have the power to destroy or heal. How often has a parent ,a boss or a teacher said a negative word that crushed you or your spirit? I have spoken to many people, men and women of all ages and in all stages of their lives who have carried baggage and hurts for years. One word crushed their hearts and spirits and left them devastated for years. One of the most important jobs I have in this world is not as counselor, pastor's wife or even friend. The most important job I have in this world is as parent, mom. Truly this job is not for the faint-hearted, for the weak, for wimps. It is a job that is hard and challenging. So many times you feel lost and alone and wondering if you are doing a good job. For no matter what, your children will blame you for something when they are grown. They will blame you for not giving them that third cookie when they were 4 and how that devastated them. All kidding aside, it is also the most wonderful and rewarding of jobs. My children ask me almost regularly, usually after they have done something not-so-cool, if I would trade them in for a million dollars. And I tell them with all of my heart, "yes"...just kidding! I wouldn't trade them for all of the money in the world. They make me laugh(and cry, on occasion), they are one of the reasons why I get out of bed at 6:30 in the morning, they keep me young, especially when I am squeezing my "tiny" self into the entrance of a bounce house...bottom line is...I LOVE BEING A MOM!!!! But in the not so nice moments, when I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and not so happy, I need to be careful that what comes out of my mouth is life giving and thought out. Many times I have spewed ugliness and hurt and walked away feeling awful, sick. Then having to go back and try to fix what I have messed up. It is okay to apologize to your children or to your husband, they learn that it is okay to say "I'm sorry" when they have messed up. And learn to show forgiveness when they mess up as well. This will also teach them to forgive when they have been hurt.
Our words are powerful. The tongue can do great evils, but also produce life and joy and grow self-esteem.
I pray over my children. That their teachers will be people who would speak words that would produce life and grow their self-esteem. And that God would remove all those who would break their spirits and make them feel less than. You have the authority(given by God Himself) to pray these things into their lives and/or out of their lives. If you pray anything that is according to God's will and in His name, it will be done. Sometimes you may have to undo the damage that someone else has done. Speak words of life to your child. Speak love and teach them forgiveness. And let them see the truth that is in God's word...."that you are fearfully and wonderfully made", "You are God's workmanship(a masterpiece)" "That you are loved unconditionally, no strings attached." Speak those things into your children and pray with them on the spot. Pray that their hearts and minds would receive the truth of God's word and love. That they would not hold on to anger and bitterness. That they would be able to let the hurt and offense go, not holding on to it(sometimes holding on to stuff causes more damage than the actual offense in the long run). Deal with the issue head on and right away. Then take a little trip to whomever and have an adult discussion about what happened. Sometimes the offender has no clue and will not see your side...that's okay. You too must let it go. As a mom, I am a tigress, a mama-bear so my first instinct is to go for broke...but I too am learning that I cannot put out all of their fires and I cannot fight every battle for them, I cannot change people, but I can teach my children how to respond to offensive and hurtful words.
Love them and train as they grow they will be secure and strong, not easily moved or shaken. Not prideful, just children and eventually adults that know that they are loved, by mama and papa-bear but especially by their creator...


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