Today, I picked up a family member from a mental health facility. One thing I noticed, and it shocked me all at the same time, was the amount of young men and women, in their teens and young adult years, in these wards and facilities. I see it all around me as I minister and counsel people from all walks of life and ages. I see a trend of young adults and young people not being able to handle life. So many have lost hope and meaning that they try to end their lives or turn to drugs, sex, the streets, anything to help them stop thinking about life. As I tried to process what I saw. I became so clear and truly obvious. There is a common denominator missing here. GOD!
They have no hope and lost all meaning because they don't know God. Whether it was that they weren't given that foundation at home or school. Whether they rebelled and ran from God. Regardless of the reason. They feel as if they have no hope.
Again, I blame those that came before us, parents, churches, religious leaders, media, etc, etc....
They allowed and we are allowing the media and the government to dictate to us what is good and not good for our children. We are allowing them to say that "God is bad, but giving out condoms in school and demonstrating how to put one on is good." How have we ever let it get this bad, this backward. As my husband says from the pulpit many times before, "What was normal is now abnormal and what is abnormal is now normal." There is so much pressure for our kids to conform to the way our society does things. The way they look, the way they dress, the music they listen to, what they watch.
I don't blame the government or media as much as I blame the church, those of us who call ourselves Christians. We have allowed the role of the father to be devalued. Who needs a dad, the head of the home, when there is welfare? Who needs a family, when a woman can do it all? No, I can't. If I had to I would and I could. But I don't want to. I have a husband and I love that he is active in the lives of my children. I couldn't have the life I have without this man. I want to love him and respect him and let him know that we are a team and that we can do so much more together than alone. The media makes men look foolish, dumb and we laugh in front of the television...myself included. Not realizing the message this is sending to my boys. All that is good has been taken from our schools, from our public places and we are okay with that. We can't be.
We have a generation of young people who are crying out for some meaning and hope, in a BIG way. They want purpose and direction. They want to experience real love, with no strings attached. They want something real. God is real. He is pure love, of the best kind. He is non-judgmental and kind, compassionate and so good. Don't look down at the skateboarder who walks by you with his head down. Don't push that young person away who may need you to listen. Hug them, love them. Let them know that they matter. Put them to work. Hold them accountable, but love on them. I made contact with one lonely boy today. Waiting for a response then I'm taking him out for a slice of pizza and some ice cream. Don't forget your own children. Love them and squeeze them and hold them tight. Tell them how much you love them, how smart and funny they are. I tell my boys all the time and they look at me and smile. I tell my boys the story of their birth and how we were so in love with them before they were even born...I show them pictures and spend time with them in their beds or in ours...just holding them. They don't want perfection, just someone who will be there to love them and cheer them on.
They have no hope and lost all meaning because they don't know God. Whether it was that they weren't given that foundation at home or school. Whether they rebelled and ran from God. Regardless of the reason. They feel as if they have no hope.
Again, I blame those that came before us, parents, churches, religious leaders, media, etc, etc....
They allowed and we are allowing the media and the government to dictate to us what is good and not good for our children. We are allowing them to say that "God is bad, but giving out condoms in school and demonstrating how to put one on is good." How have we ever let it get this bad, this backward. As my husband says from the pulpit many times before, "What was normal is now abnormal and what is abnormal is now normal." There is so much pressure for our kids to conform to the way our society does things. The way they look, the way they dress, the music they listen to, what they watch.
I don't blame the government or media as much as I blame the church, those of us who call ourselves Christians. We have allowed the role of the father to be devalued. Who needs a dad, the head of the home, when there is welfare? Who needs a family, when a woman can do it all? No, I can't. If I had to I would and I could. But I don't want to. I have a husband and I love that he is active in the lives of my children. I couldn't have the life I have without this man. I want to love him and respect him and let him know that we are a team and that we can do so much more together than alone. The media makes men look foolish, dumb and we laugh in front of the television...myself included. Not realizing the message this is sending to my boys. All that is good has been taken from our schools, from our public places and we are okay with that. We can't be.
We have a generation of young people who are crying out for some meaning and hope, in a BIG way. They want purpose and direction. They want to experience real love, with no strings attached. They want something real. God is real. He is pure love, of the best kind. He is non-judgmental and kind, compassionate and so good. Don't look down at the skateboarder who walks by you with his head down. Don't push that young person away who may need you to listen. Hug them, love them. Let them know that they matter. Put them to work. Hold them accountable, but love on them. I made contact with one lonely boy today. Waiting for a response then I'm taking him out for a slice of pizza and some ice cream. Don't forget your own children. Love them and squeeze them and hold them tight. Tell them how much you love them, how smart and funny they are. I tell my boys all the time and they look at me and smile. I tell my boys the story of their birth and how we were so in love with them before they were even born...I show them pictures and spend time with them in their beds or in ours...just holding them. They don't want perfection, just someone who will be there to love them and cheer them on.
Simply Amazing what God is doing through you Wow... its so true I love your mesage and admire your heart for people and for the LORD!