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True Beauty

Is true beauty what the world says is true beauty? Is true beauty being thin and flawless ( would be nice, though), having curves in the right places and having just the right amount of cleavage (I wish)? True beauty in the world's standards is a deception, a lie. Why? Because if you speak or ask anyone of the women that grace the covers of any of those magazines or billboards they would tell you that they are anything but perfect. It takes hours to look like that. There is a lot of photo shop going on...masking all of the flaws.
There are women all over the world who are altering their appearances, trying to attain a look. They are bleaching their skin, they are rounding out their eyes through surgery. They think that if they can just look a certain way,they can be accepted, affirmed. They believe that if they look a certain way that they will "feel" better about themselves. Yet, many of us know that this just ain't so.
True beauty does not come from with "out" but it comes from with 'in." Each of us look certainly different. If God had an idea of perfection, He would have created us to all look the same. But He sees beauty on a whole different level. He sees beauty from a "heart" perspective. He sees out hearts and He sees our motives. He sees our compassion as we help a friend or a neighbor. He sees us and sees true beauty as we care for our family, an aging/ailing parent. When we go out of our way for someone else, He sees true beauty. Beauty is not about how you look, but in what comes from inside of you.
Many of us know "beautiful" people. And yet, some of those people could use a dose of love and compassion. Because what comes out from within them isn't so nice and makes them ugly. And how many of you know people that at first glance don't look "beautiful", but as you get to know them they are truly THE beautiful people.
I pray that as you go about your week that you are reminded of this: You are the apple of God's eye. You are His princess, His child. You are the most precious thing in His life. His love for you has no strings and He adores you. There is nothing that He wouldn't do for you. Know that you are loved regardless of what you have done or where you have been.


  1. Great post! As a mom, I try to remind my children very often that they are made in His image, that they are royalty. God doesn't make junk! If children can learn this when they are young it'll be easier to deflect what the world throws at them. My husband and I laugh no, but when they were younger and in school, we use to "re-indoctrinate" them from their day. As a parent, we must affirm them always as to how important, loved and cherished they are. But we also have to affirm ourselves, too. Words are powerful. We can use them against ourselves, undermining what God is trying to build in us.

    This is such an important study to do today. It's relevant. I always tell the ladies in the studies I've done that what blesses them, blesses their entire family. When they are strong, their family, too, will be strong. That is a part of our legacy. Good stuff is on the horizon, my sister.


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