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Showing posts from February, 2013

The Oscars - Why Did I Do It?

Okay, Okay, yes, I did it. For the first time ever I sat and watched most of the Oscars. Why, you may ask (or may not care...LOL), well my sexy husband was watching it and to spend time with my love I sat and watched it. But he went to bed early and I stayed up and watched about another 40 minutes of it. I hate to say this, was horrible. The host was rude and offensive even to his liberal colleagues with his, "I Saw Your Boobs" song. Now don't go on-line to check out the It was astonishing to see the look on the faces of the actresses that has shown more than cleavage mentioned in his song. They were appalled and embarrassed and offended. My take on this is if you exposed them for millions of people on a screen that is bigger than life and weren't offended then you shouldn't be offended when someone sings about them in front of your colleagues. Then I was saddened by the emptiness I saw in their pursuits. This is what most of them live for...

Crazy Like Life

Man, it's been crazy around here lately. I thought that after the holidays things would begin to slow down a bit. But I must say that the speed of life has gained momentum. Totally NUTS. But this is my life. Seasons come and seasons go. At Transformation Church things are more amazing every week. People are coming from all over to begin their spiritual journey. What an honor!!! That they would choose to come to TC. That they trust us enough to start here. There is a bible verse that says, " But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." When we gather as a team on Monday mornings to pray for the needs of our church, for the needs our community we are humbled to know that God would use us to do this great work, to think that He would choose us. With all sincerity, we weep at this knowledge. So as God continues to bring lives to us here @ TC things are getting busier. But man, are we excited! An...