We are already at the end of September. Can you believe that?! I am in the dining room as the boys sleep and hubby is at the church watching the Giants game with the guys and I am listening in the quietness the ticking of the clock. When you think about it every tick is a second gone by. It can make you a little anxious when you know the laundry has to get done, and the week has already begun and you aren't quite ready. Listening to the ticking and the tocking makes me think of a couple of things. One, that I want to spend more time loving on my husband and boys. I want to spend more time with my parents and siblings. I don't want to waste a second being mad or frustrated. I don't want to harbor anger and resentment. I don't want to hang on to past hurts. I have one life to live and I want to live it free from toxins and poisons that can rob me of my peace and joy. Secondly, the ticking reminds me of the Lord's return. It is getting closer. I am not a scholar and ...
Live Long, Laugh Often, Love Much