I am going back to school!!!!!! Can you believe it? I simply cannot contain myself! It's funny how this all began. My dreams have been fulfilled in every respect when it comes to having an amazing husband, two great kids, serving in full-time ministry, and being in God's perfect will (there is nothing better than that). But for me education was always very important and still is (just ask my 10 year old...lol). I grew up in a family where I was the first to graduate High School and the first to go to college. They were hard working people but education was not an option at the time. They had to work to survive. I come from a family of master craftsmen, a family with strong work ethics. My grandfather still works his land in Puerto Rico, he is 80 years old and suffers from bad eye sight, but still gets up when the rooster crows and feeds himself and his family by the sweat of his brow and the food he grows. I wanted to go to college, always! It was away to not be a statistic. I ...
Live Long, Laugh Often, Love Much