One word...CONTENTMENT. I am just as guilty as the next person. Boy, have I found myself complaining and wishing and wanting...that is definitely not cultivating an attitude of gratitude. These two go hand in hand. Contentment and Gratitude. If you are content then you are grateful and thankful for what the Lord has provided for your life. I do believe that we are to live the "abundant" life that God has ordained for us to have. But abundant in what respect? Many will say that abundance in the physical and material. Somehow someone who has a lot isn't necessarily content, grateful of thankful....they only find themselves wanting more, wanting bigger and "better." Discontentment is more likely to be the case here. It seems that the more we have, the more we want and the less happy we are. You look at Hollywood and millionaires around the world, on TV and the news and you find these people in rehab (time after time), or on anti-depressants, searching and looking ...
Live Long, Laugh Often, Love Much